
Tales of symphonia colette voice rip
Tales of symphonia colette voice rip

tales of symphonia colette voice rip

Bring back this soul from Purgatory! RESURRECTION!!.That man has risked his life to save you.What needs to be purged are the contents of your pathetic brain!."You're about to witness something remarkable.the sight of your own son surpassing you.This is probably his way of settling things. They aren't very good at admitting their mistakes. In order to change the world, I must first change myself.I call upon the power of the holy blade! PRISM SWORD!.I'll show you your powerlessness! INDIGNATION.I'd say you two are on the same level.Gentle winds, gather before me and transform into blades of air! CYCLONE!.Infinite powers, grant me thy strength! METEOR STORM!.I don’t know what you did, and your crime won’t go away, but when you’re suffering it’s alright to at least say so. My stupid actions have killed many people.I call upon thee in the land of the dead, unleash thy fury of thunder! INDIGNATION!.(After asking a question and being told he wouldn't understand) No, I don't understand, that's why I asked.(Examining Lloyd's wanted poster) Good for you Lloyd.Oh, Holy One, cast thy purifying light upon these corrupt souls.No one should have to think that he has to sacrifice his own life. I don't want anyone to make the same mistake I did. But right now, we need to carry the burden of the hopes and dreams of the victims and fight on their behalf. He said we can throw the Exspheres away at any time.It's more painful not being able to believe, than to worry about betrayal.

tales of symphonia colette voice rip

(After defeating Mithos for the final time) You could have lived with us.It's all a big lie isn't it.? Let her go, NOW! No matter how painful things have been, you just can’t dwell on the past.People who can’t accept those who are different are the ones to blame!.Dwarven Vow #16: You can do anything if you try! We're dead anyway if we fail.The world is never going to change if we just wait for Cruxis to make the next move, right? So this time, we’re going to strike them first.No matter who or what you are, once you are born into this world you have the right to live! Shut up! It doesn’t matter if you’re a half-elf, a human, or whatever.I want to save the two worlds my way with the help of my friends. I’m tired of people having to become sacrifices. I want a world where everyone can have a normal life. Someone asked me why I came all the way to Tethe’alla… what it is I want to do. I’ve been thinking about that for a long time.Colette… I’m sorry! I couldn’t save you… I’m so sorry! I promised I wouldn’t make another mistake, but it looks like I have again….It will be the same as sacrificing all of us! Colette, stop! If you sacrifice yourself, your friends who love you… and your family… and… and me… we’ll all be sad.It’s not the same! This city doesn’t have a non-aggression treaty with the Desians! How can we go on a quest to regenerate the world if we can’t even save the people standing right in front of us?!.And I forgive Kratos, the hero of the Ancient War, who helped us. I defeated Kratos, the angel, the one who betrayed us.No matter how right your words are, you have to actually carry it out in order for them to have any meaning.Where do you get off? Don't even start spewing the word, 'justice'! I hate that word! If you wanted to save your wife, you should have resigned your position as Governor-General and searched for a cure, or help, or whatever! You're a worthless jerk who couldn't give up his social status even for his own wife!.What will you accomplish by dying? Nothing! There is no meaning in dying!.Just think of yourself as being lucky for having more than most people do. Regardless of who your real father is, you’re still you.That was so cool, Sheena! Man, I wish I could conjure Summon Spirits too! And say cool things like, (In a deep, threatening voice) "Burn to oblivion!".Just because the logic is sound, it doesn't mean it's right.Even if you become an angel, you’re still you, okay?.It is better to begin in the evening than not at all. Cross even a stone bridge after you've tested it. Never let your feet run faster than your shoes. Dwarven Vow #18: It is better to be deceived than to deceive.Dwarven Vow #16: You can do anything if you try.Dwarven Vow #14: Even a small star shines in the darkness.Dwarven Vow #11: Lying is the first step on the path to thievery.

tales of symphonia colette voice rip

  • Dwarven Vow #7: Goodness and love will always win.
  • Dwarven Vow #4: Don’t depend on others.
  • Dwarven Vow #2: Never abandon someone in need.
  • Dwarven Vow #1: Let's all work together for the sake of a peaceful world.
  • Give me your name and I'll give you mine!.
  • From the moment they are born, everyone has the right to live.

  • Tales of symphonia colette voice rip